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Author: IGC Staff

Captains Drive In

Club Captain Judah Gayle started his year as Captain this morning.                                         On a damp October morning, and cheered on by the members, Judah hit a thundering drive down the middle of the first.      …
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Quiz Night 10th November 2012

We have our next quiz night on Saturday 10th November 2012. Once again, quiz Master Geoff will be hosting the evening and demand for tables is always high, so book your table early to avoid disapointment. Click on the link below for further information. Quiz Night Poster – 10th November 2012      

Seniors Triumph against RAF Henlow

Congratulations to the Seniors for a fine victory today at home against RAF Henlow.

Two Aces in the Club Championship

As we chatted on the eve of the Club Championship, Head Greenkeeper John joked that the hole position on the 8th was inviting a hole in one. However I’m sure he never dreamt that there woul be two aces in the same day!! Ex Club Captain and current Mid-week Captain, Ian Hall was the first to ace…
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2012 Club Championship

Congratulations to Nick Munro who had a clean sweep at the weekend, winning both the Nett and Scratch Club Championship.    

2012 Junior Club Champion

Congratulations to Brandon Black, winner of the 2012 Junior Scratch Championship. The Handicap competition was won by Jack Poulton.        

Annual Dinner & Presentation Evening

Tickets are now on sale in the clubhouse for the Annual Dinner & Presentation Evening on Saturday 6th October 2012. Click on the link below for more information Presentation Evening Flyer

Ladies Club Championship

  The ladies enjoyed a fantastic day for their Club Championship. Congratulations go to Wendy Chapman for retaining her title of Ladies Scratch Champion, and to Sharon Kuempfel for winning the Mrs. Garrad Handicap Trophy.                                        …
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Summer Junior Membership Offer

With the school holidays nearly upon us, a great opportunity for budding golfers to Join for £99.00, and play unlimited golf until April 2013. Junior Membership Offer – 2012

Youngsters Triumph on Presidents Day

Congratulations to Eleven Year old Jack Poulton for winning the Presidents Day handicap trophy on Saturday, and for being the first person to retain the trophy, and to win the competition twice.   Nick Munroe won the Scratch Competition with Gross 133 over the two rounds.